+212 661 90 29 99 / +212 662 78 59 73
msoussi@1001evasions.com / info@1001evasions.com
Fast Track SOLO : Agadir – Al Massira, AGA, Agadir, Morocco
We disclaim all responsibility for the execution of the service if the information provided on this form is false. Clients who provide incorrect information in order to book a service less than 24 hours in advance will neither benefit from the service nor receive a refund.
Fast Track SOLO

Departure Fast track

Fast track Dèpart

Attention for the execution of the service, you must absolutely call the agent to the mobile phone communicated on the confirmation

Attention pour l’exécution du service, vous devez absolument appeler l’agent au GSM communiqué sur la confirmation

(From 0 to 1.99 ans : free of charge, From 2 to 11.99 Years old : 50 % adult price) (de 0 to 1.99 ans : Gratuit, de 2 à 11.99 Year old : 50 % du tarif adulte)

Arrival Fast track

Fast track Arrivé

(From 0 to 1.99 year old : free of charge, From 2 to 11.9 year old : 50 % price adult) (de 0 à 1.99 ans : Gratuit, De 2 à 11.9 ans : 50 % du tarif adulte)

Transfer Service

Service de Transfert